
BJJ Fundamentals
Whenever a new person begins, our main aim is to get this person playing BJJ as soon as possible and as safe as possible. Beginners learn how to transition through the phases of the BJJ game (i.e. Standing to ground, Passing vs Guard play, and Control/Submission/Escape). Beginners will also learn the BJJ scoring system. We feel we are being successful when a beginner can view and understand what is going on in a BJJ match or sit at a sports bar while watching an MMA match and feel like an expert commentator (lol). Most importantly, we advise and teach the beginner "subtractive epistemology" (i.e. "what not to do") which will help them keep training for as long as possible in BJJ.
Mon, Tues, Thu: 6pm-7pm
Wed (No Gi): 6pm-7pm
BJJ Intermediate/Advanced
The Intermediate/Advanced is much more sparring ("rolling") intensive. More techniques are introduced to help create different strategic outcomes in different situations. Whereas beginner have to be told what to practice, the intermediate/advanced practitioner should be able to know what they need to work on (building their game), to drill on, or to ask questions about, if left to their own devices.
Mon,Tues,Thu: 7pm - 8:30pm
Wed (No Gi): 7pm - 8:30pm
Kids BJJ (6 - 9 years old) and Young Teens BJJ (10 - 14 years old)
The same aim we have for our adult beginners is the same that we have for our Kids and Young Teens: we want them to start playing the game of BJJ as soon as possible and as safe as possible. The biggest difference between these classes and the adult classes is that these are more formal. We believe kids and young teens need to bow in at the beginning and end of class. We require all kids and teens to have BJJ notebooks which they will write in at the end of each class.
The class for the younger kids (6-9 years old) are held on Thursdays from 5:00-5:45 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 - 10:00 am, while the class for the older kids (10-14 years old) are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:00-5:45 pm and Saturdays from 10:30 - 11:30am.
Kids (6-9 years old)
Thu: 5pm - 5:45pm
Sat: 9am - 10am
Young Teens (10 -14 years old)
Mon: 5pm - 5:45pm
Wed (No-GI): 5pm - 5:45pm
Sat: 10:30am - 11:30am

Team Training
Team training can be attended by any Testudo member who has grasped the basic curriculum or has received permission from Ervin. We create multiple five-minute match simulations between pairs. Members can go between gi and no-gi during this time. These sessions build up practitioners' cardiovascular endurance and overall strategy.
Sat, Sun: 12pm-2pm