Welcome to Testudo! We are a school that focuses on the sport/martial art of Grappling. Though Grappling is an umbrella term that covers many different sports and martial arts (Sambo, Luta Livre, Wrestling, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,etc...), we mainly work within the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ruleset as we feel it allows for the most varied technical and strategic training for Grappling. Our school provides a welcoming environment for both new and experienced practitioners.
The head instructor, Ervin Brandon, (affectionately known as "Coach Ervin" to the kids) competed in collegiate wrestling for Howard University ("Go Bison") and holds black belts in both Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Kodokan Judo. Coach Ervin is dedicated to developing practitioners who are not only comfortable but also competitive across various grappling disciplines.​
If interested in learning more, please click the box to book an introductory session
- One Week Free Trial
- Now offering Private/ Corporate BJJ & Judo Instruction
- Special discounts available for K-12 teachers
- Accepting new members (kids & adults). Please make an appointment before coming in. We don't allow drop-ins.
- Email: Testudobjj@gmail.com

Directions & Parking
2731 Mount Vernon Avenue (behind Waxing the City salon)
Alexandria, VA 22301
(enter the building, down the stairs)